Contoh kalimat present perfect tense positif negatif interogatif terlengkap - Agar semakin manis pemahaman kita wacana Present Perfect Tense yang telah kita bicarakan panjang lebar pada Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Terlengkap, maka pada potongan ini saya akan berikan lebih banyak Contoh kalimat present perfect tense sebagai referensi pembaca semua saat ingin menciptakan tumpuan kalimat. Untuk merecall ingatan kita, di bawah ini saya tampilkan kembali pola kalimat dalam Present Perfect Tense menyerupai yang telah dibahas sebelumnya.
O / C = Object / Complement
SUBJECT + | HAVE / HAS + V3 / BEEN + | O / C |
SUBJECT + | HAVE / HAS NOT + V3 / BEEN + | O / C |
HAVE / HAS + | SUBJECT + V3 + | O / C ? |
O / C = Object / Complement
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Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Positif Negatif Interogatif Terlengkap |
Pelajarilah tumpuan ini tiga kali sehari, baca hukum pola kalimat, dan apa jika pemahaman berlanjut tidak perlu hubungi dokter sebab itu ialah indikasi bahwa anda sudah paham.
Contoh kalimat present perfect tense
1.. Suatu Kegiatan Yang Sudah Selesai Kita Lakukan Sebelum Sekarang
· (?) Have you read a story about The Queen Of The South Sea?
· (+) You have read a story about The Queen Of The South Sea.
· (-) You have not read a story about Malinkundang.
· (?) Have you ever listened to my new song?
· (+) You have ever listened to my new song.
· (-) You have never listened to his new song.
· (?) Has Ana just talked about me?
· (+) Ana has just talked about me.
· (-) Ana has not just talked about him.
· (?) Have you already created a new Japanese food recipe?
· (+) You have already created a new Japanese food recipe.
· (-) You have not already created a new chinese food recipe.
· (?) Have you met the lecturer in the last semester?
· (+) You have met the lecturer in the last semester.
· (-) You have not met the lecturer in the last week.
· (?) Have they observed about good governance?
· (+) They have observed about good governance.
· (-) They have not observed about economic policy.
2.. Menyatakan Durasi Waktu Dari Suatu Kegiatan Yang Sedang Kita Lakukan Mulai Dari Masa Lampau Sampai Dengan Sekarang. (Non-Continuous Verbs)
· (?) Have i been at home for two hours?
· (+) I have been at home for two hours.
· (-) I have not been at home for three hours.
· (?) Has Hendra needed a car so far?
· (+) Hendra has needed a car so far.
· (-) Hendra has not needed a motorcycle so far.
· (?) Have we owned this vintage car for nine years?
· (+) We have owned this vintage car for nine years.
· (-) We have not owned this vintage car for ten years.
Nah berikutnya giliran anda menciptakan tumpuan present perfect tense anda sendiri teman Englishiana. Selamat mencoba, salam Englishiana.