Memahami Imbuhan dan misalnya dalamBahasa Inggris (awalan / Prefix dan akhiran/suffix) – As we have discussed before, affix consists of two big groups in English. They are Prefix and Suffix. Nah khusus untuk sobat Englishiana, pada permbahasan kali ini, kita akan fokus pada awalan/prefix sebagai bab dari imbuhan/affix dalam bahasa Inggris. Let’s study together about Prefix.
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Memahami Imbuhan dan misalnya dalam Bahasa Inggris (awalan / Prefix dan akhiran/suffix) |
What is Prefix?
A prefix is either a letter or group of letters which are placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. We have a lot of prefixes in English. The example below is a list of the prefixes which are commonly used in English, together with their basic meaning and examples. Note also that this list does not include elements like "auto-" or " bio-", because these are "combining forms", not prefixes.
Prefix/awalan yaitu baik huruf atau kelompok abjad yang ditempatkan pada awal sebuah kata untuk memodifikasi atau mengubah maknanya. Kita mempunyai banyak prefiks dalam bahasa Inggris. Contoh di bawah ini yaitu daftar awalan yang umum dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris, didikuti dengan arti dasar mereka dan contohnya . Perhatikan juga bahwa daftar ini tidak meliputi unsur-unsur menyerupai " auto " atau " bio ", alasannya yaitu mereka yaitu "bentuk adonan kata", dan bukan awalan.
a- | also an- | not, without (tanpa) | atheist, anaemic |
a- | to, towards (menuju) | aside, aback | |
in the process of, in a particular state (dalam sebuah proses, dalam keadaan tertentu) | a-hunting, aglow | ||
a- | Of (dari) | anew | |
Completely (seluruhnya/secara keseluruhan) | abashed | ||
ab- | also abs- | away, from (menjauh, meninggalkan) | abdicate, abstract |
ad- | also a-, ac-, af-, ag- al-, an-, ap-, at- as-, at- | movement to, change into, addition or increase (bergerak ke, merubah menjadi, menambah/meningkatkan) | advance, adulterate, adjunct, ascend, affiliate, affirm, aggravate, alleviate, annotate, apprehend, arrive, assemble, attend |
ante- | before, preceding (sebelum) | antecedent, ante-room | |
anti- | also ant- | opposing, against, the opposite (melawan / berlawanan) | anti-aircraft, antibiotic, anticlimax, Antarctic |
be- | all over, all around (seluruh/keseluruhan) | bespatter, beset | |
Completely (seluruh/keseluruhan) | bewitch, bemuse | ||
having, covered with (memiliki/tertutupi dengan) | bejewelled | ||
affect with (added to nouns) terpengaruh dengan | befog | ||
cause to be (added to adjectives) menyebabkan menjadi | becalm | ||
com- | also co-, col-, con-, cor- | with, jointly, completely (dengan, ikut serta, melengkapi) | combat, codriver, collude, confide, corrode |
contra- | against, opposite (berlawanan) | contraceptive | |
counter- | opposition, opposite direction (berlawanan arah/ berseberangan) | counter-attack, counteract | |
de- | down, away (menurun) | descend, despair, depend, deduct | |
Completely (melengkapi) | denude, denigrate | ||
removal, reversal (menghilangkan) | de-ice, decamp | ||
dia- | also di- | through, across (melintasi) | diagonal |
dis- | also di- | negation, removal, expulsion (menegasikan, menghilangkan, meniadakan) | disadvantage, dismount, disbud, disbar |
en- | also em- | put into or on (meletakkan pada..) | engulf, enmesh |
bring into the condition of (membawa ke dalam kondisi..) | enlighten, embitter | ||
Intensification (mengintensifkan) | entangle, enrage | ||
ex- | also e-, ef- | Out (di luar) | exit, exclude, expand |
Upward (meninggikan) | exalt, extol | ||
Completely (sepenuhnya) | excruciate, exasperate | ||
Previous (sebelumnya) | ex-wife | ||
extra- | outside, beyond (di luar) | extracurricular | |
hemi- | Half (separuh) | hemisphere | |
hyper- | beyond, more than, more than normal (di luar kebiasaan) | hypersonic, hyperactive | |
hypo- | Under (di bawah) | hypodermic, hypothermia | |
in- | also il-, im- | not, without (tanpa) | infertile, inappropriate, impossible |
also il-, im-, ir- | in, into, towards, inside (ke.., terhadap, ke dalam) | influence, influx, imbibe | |
infra- | Below (di bawah) | infrared, infrastructure | |
inter- | between, among (di antara) | interact, interchange | |
intra- | inside, within (di dalam, di antara) | intramural, intravenous | |
non- | absence, negation (ketiadaan / penghapusan unsur) | non-smoker, non-alcoholic | |
ob- | also oc-, of-, op- | blocking, against, concealing (melawan / berlawanan) | obstruct, occult, offend, oppose |
out- | surpassing, exceeding (melewati) | outperform | |
external, away from (di luar) | outbuilding, outboard | ||
over- | excessively, completely (melebihi, melengkapi) | overconfident, overburdened, overjoyed | |
upper, outer, over, above (di luar, di atas) | overcoat, overcast | ||
peri- | round, about (sekitar) | perimeter | |
post- | after in time or order (setelah beberapa waktu kemudian) | postpone | |
pre- | before in time, place, order or importance (sebelum) | pre-adolescent, prelude, precondition | |
pro- | favouring, in support of (mendukung) | pro-African | |
acting for (berbuat untuk) | proconsul | ||
motion forwards or away (bergerak menuju) | propulsion | ||
before in time, place or order (sebelum) | prologue | ||
re- | Again (lagi) | repaint, reappraise, reawake | |
semi- | half, partly (separuh) | semicircle, semi-conscious | |
sub- | also suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sur-, sus- | at a lower position (pada posisi yang lebih rendah) | submarine, subsoil |
lower in rank (peringkat yang lebih rendah) | sub-lieutenant | ||
nearly, approximately (mendekati) | sub-tropical | ||
syn- | also sym- | in union, acting together (bersatu) | synchronize, symmetry |
trans- | across, beyond (melewati) | transnational, transatlantic | |
into a different state (ke dalam keadaan yang berbeda) | translate | ||
ultra- | Beyond (di luar) | ultraviolet, ultrasonic | |
Extreme (sangat) | ultramicroscopic | ||
un- | Not (tidak) | unacceptable, unreal, unhappy, unmanned | |
reversal or cancellation of action or state (penggagalan sebuah perbuatan) | unplug, unmask | ||
under- | beneath, below (di bawah) | underarm, undercarriage | |
lower in rank (lebih rendah) | undersecretary | ||
not enough (tidak cukup) | underdeveloped |
Nah agar pembahasan kali ini bermanfaat ya sobat Englishiana. Khususnya untuk sobat Englishiana yang sedang mencari acuan berguru yang berkaitan dengan Affix (Suffix dan Prefix). Jika merasa mendapat manfaat dari halaman ini, silahkan share ke teman-teman yang lain yang mungkin sedang membutuhkan.